Unclog Hair in Your Drain

3 Easy Ways to Unclog Hair in Your Drain

A slow drain or a drain that is clogged is something that almost everyone who has a full head of hair has, at some point in their lives, experienced. Drain stoppers are useful in that they slow the rate at which hair enters the drain, but in the long run, clogs are almost always unavoidable.

Plunging, using a mixture of baking soda and vinegar, and utilizing a snaking tool are three easy procedures that may be used to clean drains of undesirable hair and keep them free. Plunging is the most effective method. Depending on your preferences, you can either create a snake tool at home or buy one already made. In conclusion, but certainly not least, if the blockage does not clear up, you really ought to get in touch with a plumber.

1. Buy or make a snaking tool

When less intrusive techniques do not seem to be doing the task, one of the best ways to unclog a sink or bathroom drain is to use snaking equipment, whether they are homemade or purchased from a store. A wire hanger can be used to build your very own device for snake manipulation. To unclog your drain, you would only need to straighten out the hanger and insert it down the drain in the appropriate direction. One more option is to go out and purchase a Zip-it tool. After using a drain snake to remove the clog, it is a good idea to flush the drain with hot water to be certain that the clog has been removed entirely.

2. Add baking soda and vinegar

Even though we aren’t scientists, we know that combining baking soda and vinegar results in a chemical reaction that works very effectively to remove small clogs from plumbing. To use this concoction for unclogging drains, first, pour some water down the drain, then follow it with some baking soda, and then some vinegar. After five minutes have passed, start pouring boiling water down the drain.

3. Plunge away to drain

If the hairball is not going to go back down the drain, the next best thing to do is to attempt to force it through the trap or whatever else it is trapped in. If this does not work, the next best thing to do is to try to flush the hairball down the drain. Go your trusty plunger out of the drawer, and get to work fixing this issue. Plunging your drain with a cup or flat plunger is the best way to ensure that the transaction will go through without a hitch.

Call a Professional

It’s possible that your clogging issue can’t be solved with any of the store’s tools, not even the most cutting-edge ones. A more significant problem may be the cause of your sink or bathtub becoming clogged. In any case, attempting plumbing repairs on your own could end up costing you more money and causing more damage to the plumbing system in your home. If you call in a licensed plumber for assistance, you can rest assured that the issue will be properly identified and resolved.


Q1: What will break down hair in the drain?

Several substances can break down hair in the drain. One effective solution is a mixture of baking soda and vinegar, followed by hot water. The fizzy reaction caused by the combination can help break down hair and loosen it from the drain walls. Alternatively, chemical drain cleaners designed to dissolve organic matter, including hair, can also be effective.  

Q2: What is the quickest way to remove hair from a drain?

The fastest way to remove hair from a drain is to use a tool designed for this purpose. A drain snake or a zip-it tool can be inserted into the drain to catch and pull out the hair efficiently. Another method is using a mixture of baking soda and vinegar followed by hot water.

Q3: Can vinegar clear hair clogs?

Vinegar can help break down hair clogs to some extent. When combined with baking soda and followed by hot water, the fizzing reaction and the acidic properties of the vinegar can assist in breaking down the hair and potentially aiding in clearing minor clogs

Q4: How do you clear a drain quickly?

To swiftly clear a drain, start with a mixture of baking soda and vinegar, followed by hot water.  For tougher clogs, consider using a drain snake or a plunger to dislodge the obstruction. Chemical drain cleaners, used cautiously according to the instructions, can also be effective for prompt clearance.

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